
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2017
THE WEATHER https://create.piktochart.com/output/26036010-new-piktochart
Every year we have to read three books during the year, one book each quarter and we must read the book, record reading the chapters and send the audios to the teacher. BOOKS England Wallace y Gromit White Fang
WRITING A difficult personal experience Last summer in July, I went on vacation with my family to Tenerife. I was swimming with my mother in the hotel pool when my brother started crying. He did not answer, he just cried. A few minutes later, we were scared, we thought there had been an earthquake. My father is very afraid of earthquakes and almost all natural disasters because as a child, he and his family bled a lot due to the serious injuries of a tornado. He got very nervous and my mother did not know what was happening, the situation was very complicated, my brother cried and everyone left the pool.Others ran and shouted tsunami. I started crying because I did not know what to do and I thought we were going to die. We went to the room. We tried to turn on the television, but there was no signal and fortunately, it suddenly went on and a journalist appeared on the news. explaining that we were not afraid because there would be no sunami but we hurried and drove along the main ro...
Day 14  of  December In the English class,   today we start topic 3 and we talk about our priorities in life. Homework: page 28 - 5,6,8
Day 13  of  December In the English class, t oday we did an exam, while the teacher reviewed the work book, the dictionary and the agenda
Day 12  of  December In the English class, t oday we talk about natural disasters and if we have lived any experience with a natural disaster Homework: write an experience that we have lived with a natural disaster and page 25 (1,2,3).
Day 5  of  December In the English class, t oday we saw our exams and then we played a game about the irregular verbs that consisted in saying the verb in the past and its participle and we did a sentence.
Day 1  of  December In the English class, today we have been talking about greenhouses and about the greenhouse effect on our planet and we have corrected the exercises of the past day
FREEZING INFOGRAPHICS https://create.piktochart.com/output/26604101-new-piktochart-conflict-copy
Day 29  of  November In the English class, t oday we correct the translation of the text on page 23 and did exercises on this text: 1,3
Day 28  of  November In the English class, t oday we corrected some of the exercises on page 24  and we corred the worbook too Homework:page 107- 1,2,3,5
Day 24  of  November In the English class,  the first 15 minutes of the class we did the exam of irregular verbs and when we finished, we saw videos on gender violence to be able to do an infographic https://youtu.be/lEDzl1dFGzk
Day 23 of  November In the English class, a t the beginning of the class we answered the questions that the teacher did orally and then we corrected some of the exercises from the past simple and the past perfect
Day 22 of  November In the English class,  in the first part of the class, we correct some of the exercises that the teacher sent in the previous class and then we check again the verb tenses
Day 21 of  November In the English class,w e played a game about the perfect past, the game consisted in arriving first at the goal making sentences with the perfect past
Day 17 of  November In the English class, w e corrected the exercises that the teacher gave last day and he repeated the contracts for the past: the past simple and the past perfec
Day 16 of  November In the English class, we did the oral activity again, today what we did on the weekend ,the teacher explained the contracts for the past simple and past continuous and the past simple and past perfect.
PAST PERFEC The perfect past in English. The perfect past is used to refer to things that had happened in the past before another happened. It is formed as in Castilian: with the past of the verb to have in its function of auxiliary (had), plus the past participle of the main verb.
Day 15 of  November In the English class, i n the first part of the class we continued doing the oral activity of the previous class. then, we heard a person who was lost and at the end of the class the teacher explained how to form the perfect past again
Day 14 of  November In the English class,  we did the first exam of the quarter
Day 10 of  November In the English class, t oday we did an oral activity with our classmates in pairs, we talked with our partner about the 3 things that we will take in the face of a natural disaster