What´s the loudest noise you can imagine?
Double it, and that might be close tothenoise that the volcanoes on Krakatoa island made when they erupted in 1883.scientific experts say that it was the loudest sound in modern history.people heard it in australia,more than 3000 kilometres to the south and on the islans of mauritius,almost 5000 kilometres to the west.
What is Krakatoa and where it is ?
Krakatoa is a volcanic island situated in the sunda strait between the islands of java and sumatra in indonesia.
It used to be three times the size it is today,with three active volcanoes,but when the volcanoes erupter in august 1883,the huge exposions destroyed two of volcanoes and reduced the islan to a third of its siza.the eruptions created a series of tsunamis with enormous waves more than 40 metres high.they killed more than 36000 people and destroyed 165 towns and villages.terrible eruptions continued for weeks,and survivors on other islands couldn´t escape.
A huge cloud of dust travelled around the planet and,as a result,the temperature of the world dropped by more than one degree.The weather didn´t return to normal until five years later,in 1888.the cloud caused fantastic colours in the sky,and threre were beautiful sunrises and sunsets as far away as london and norway.
Krakatoa didn´t erupt again until 1927.this eruption created a new island where the old volcanoes used to be.its name is anak krakatau.this means"child os krakatoa"in indonesian.there was a series of volcanic eruptions on the island betwen 2009 and 2012,but luckily they werent dangerous.
today,indonesia has 130 active volcanoes -more than any other country in the,a new krakatoa-tipe eruption is possible at any time!

What´s the loudest noise you can imagine?
Double it, and that might be close tothenoise that the volcanoes on Krakatoa island made when they erupted in 1883.scientific experts say that it was the loudest sound in modern history.people heard it in australia,more than 3000 kilometres to the south and on the islans of mauritius,almost 5000 kilometres to the west.
What is Krakatoa and where it is ?
Krakatoa is a volcanic island situated in the sunda strait between the islands of java and sumatra in indonesia.
It used to be three times the size it is today,with three active volcanoes,but when the volcanoes erupter in august 1883,the huge exposions destroyed two of volcanoes and reduced the islan to a third of its siza.the eruptions created a series of tsunamis with enormous waves more than 40 metres high.they killed more than 36000 people and destroyed 165 towns and villages.terrible eruptions continued for weeks,and survivors on other islands couldn´t escape.
A huge cloud of dust travelled around the planet and,as a result,the temperature of the world dropped by more than one degree.The weather didn´t return to normal until five years later,in 1888.the cloud caused fantastic colours in the sky,and threre were beautiful sunrises and sunsets as far away as london and norway.
Krakatoa didn´t erupt again until 1927.this eruption created a new island where the old volcanoes used to be.its name is anak krakatau.this means"child os krakatoa"in indonesian.there was a series of volcanic eruptions on the island betwen 2009 and 2012,but luckily they werent dangerous.
today,indonesia has 130 active volcanoes -more than any other country in the,a new krakatoa-tipe eruption is possible at any time!
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