Screen overuse, possible cause of digital eye strain https://albertomeditutor.blogspot.com/2019/01/screen-overuse-possible-cause-of.html Nowadays, according to studies, between 50 and 90% of people who work in front of a computer screen have some symptoms of eye problems. Therefore, you can damage your eyes by looking at a computer screen for too long time. So, you need eye drops to solve these problems. Wachler says that people often blink around 18 times per minute, which refreshes the eyes naturally. But when looking at the screen of a computer or other digital device the flicker speed is reduced. So, generally the main problem is to be hours and hours of close focus without taking a break, but there are ways to combat the damage. Another problem is sitting too close to your computer monitor or holding a digital device closer to your eyes than you would normally hold a book or newspaper. Therefore, your eyes will work harder than normal while you strive to concentrate on smal...