Day 1 of March In the English class, today we continued talking about the school of the future for the next project. Homework: composition " what should the school of the future be while? ".
Day 22 of February In the English class, t oday we talked about the next proyect (the school of the future) and then we corrected exercise 3 from page 54.
Day 21 of February In the English class, t oday the teacher explained the perfect present with for and since and then we did exercises on page 54 and corrected them.
Day 20 of February In the English class, t oday the teacher explains the present perfect with still, yet, already. And we did exercises on page 52 and corrected them. Task: the exercises of the present perfect with still, yet and already of the workbook
Day 16 of February In the English class, to day we talk about the most important things in our lives and then we have corrected the exercises on page 44. Homework: write a text about our most important things and the workbook
Day 15 of February In the English class, t oday the teacher explained the present perfect with just, and then we corrected the exercises on page 42. Task: page 44 exercises 1,2,3 and 4.
Day 31 of January In the English class, today we have spoken first, second we have corrected the exercises and at the end of the class we have corrected a page of the woorbook
Day 12 of January In the English class, today, first we corrected the exercises in the book and then the teacher explained how to make a passive sentence.